
Showing posts from December, 2021

SAP ABAP - User Exit Set Batch Characteristic Value In MIGO Goods Receipt

Customer Exit  :  MBCFC004 ( EXIT_SAPMM07M_004) Set Up Customer Exit for Classification of User-Defined Characteristics You use SAP enhancement MBCFC004 EXIT_SAPMM07M_004, which contains function module exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_004 to classify user-defined characteristics automatically during goods movements in Inventory Management. This is only possible for characteristics which are not assigned values during quality inspection. Requirements 1. The class of the batch to be classified must be known.  This means that a class must be assigned either to the material or at least to one batch of this material. 2. The exit call must be activated for the respective movement type in activity Activate batch classification during goods movements in IM using indicator 'Extended classification' . Open tcode OMCV Create CM

SAP ABAP - Custom Report Vendor Invoice

  1. Table Maintenance For Document Type 2. Custom Structure Display Report 3. ABAP Source Code #Main Program *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report  ZVIMR001 *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* report  zvimr001 . include  zvimr001_01 .  "Class Variable Declaration include  zvimr001_02 .  "Class Definition and Implementation *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&  INITIALIZATION *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* initialization .    create  object g_ref_main . *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&  AT SELECTION-SCREEN *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&-----------------------------------------------------------