SAP ABAP - Add Custom Screen In MIGO Header

 1. Create BAdI MB_MIGO_BADI Implementation from tcode SE19

2. Enter Implementation Name

3. Create Enhancement Implementation

4. Open Implementing Class

5. Create variable declaration on class attribute

6. Append custom structure to GOHEAD structure from SE11

save & activate structure.

7. Create custom table to store custom field data

8. Create custom ABAP program in SE38

9. create 2 sub screen for input and display


All source code custom ABAP program

REPORT zmigo_customfield.
TABLES gohead.

DATA cs_goitem TYPE goitem.
*& Module STATUS_8000 OUTPUT
MODULE status_8000 OUTPUT.
* SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.
*&      Module  USER_COMMAND_8000  INPUT
*       text
MODULE user_command_8000 INPUT.
*  CASE sy-ucomm.
*    WHEN 'OK_GO'.
*    WHEN 'OK_POST1'.
*& Module STATUS_8001 OUTPUT
MODULE status_8001 OUTPUT.
  SELECT SINGLE zcustomfield FROM ztt_cstomfield
    INTO gohead-zcustomfield WHERE mblnr cs_goitem-mblnr AND mjahr cs_goitem-mjahr.

All BAdI Method source code :

  METHOD if_ex_mb_migo_badi~init.
    APPEND class_id TO ct_init.

  METHOD if_ex_mb_migo_badi~mode_set.
    IF i_refdoc 'R01' AND i_action 'A01'.
      CLEAR display_mode.
    ELSEIF i_action 'A04' OR i_action 'A03'.
      display_mode 'X'.
      display_mode 'Z'.

  METHOD if_ex_mb_migo_badi~pbo_header.
    CHECK i_class_id class_id.
    IF display_mode ''.
      e_cprog   'ZMIGO_CUSTOMFIELD'.
      e_dynnr   '8000'.                     "External fields: Input
      e_heading 'MIGO Custom Field'.
    ELSEIF display_mode 'X'.
      e_cprog   'ZMIGO_CUSTOMFIELD'.
      e_dynnr   '8001'.                     "External fields: Display
      e_heading 'MIGO Custom Field'.

    ls_gohead is_gohead.

  METHOD if_ex_mb_migo_badi~post_document.
    DATA :
          ls_ztt_cstomfield TYPE ztt_cstomfield.

    IF display_mode IS INITIAL.
      CLEAR ls_ztt_cstomfield.
      ls_ztt_cstomfield-mblnr is_mkpf-mblnr.
      ls_ztt_cstomfield-mjahr is_mkpf-mjahr.
      ls_ztt_cstomfield-zcustomfield ls_gohead-zcustomfield.

      MODIFY ztt_cstomfield FROM ls_ztt_cstomfield.

10. Activate Badi Implementation from SE18

11. Open MIGO transaction GR Other and here the custom screen result :D

:D :D :D


  1. Data not inserted in Z table. Its always takes previous value.


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